MODEL UNESCO ROMANIA 2024. Practical Guide

Categorii Educație
Autor(i) MasterPeace Ro Association
Editura Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae
ISBN 978-606-30-5512-6
Anul publicării 2024
Format eBook Comercial
Nota 4.83 (6 voturi)
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The Model UNESCO Romania Practical Guide serves as an educational tool aimed at helping participants understand international relations, UNESCO’s mission, and cultural heritage. It includes detailed explanations of the rules, roles, and procedures of a Model UNESCO conference. The guide covers key aspects such as debates, voting scenarios, responsibilities of participants , and document formatting. It emphasizes the importance of diplomacy, research, public speaking, and cultural sensitivity. This guide is a resource for fostering collaboration, negotiation, and effective communication in simulations that mirror real-world UNESCO challenges and solutions. The Model UNESCO Romania Practical Guide serves as a comprehensive educational tool for simulating international relations and understanding UNESCO’s mission. The guide is structured into several key chapters:
Introduction provides context for the guide's purpose and educational approach.
Chapter I: Glossary explains essential terms used throughout the conference.
Chapter II: Regulations outlines rules on behavior, participation, and dress code.
Chapter III: Participants’ Responsibilities defines the roles of ambassadors and delegates.
Chapter IV: Structure describes the organizational setup of the committees.
Chapter V: Conference Sessions details the flow of events, including debate and drafting sessions.
Chapter VI: How to Talk explains the protocol for discussions and debates.
Chapter VII: Voting Scenarios covers different voting processes and outcomes.
Chapter VIII: Document Formatting provides guidelines for formatting papers, resolutions, and abstracts.
Chapter IX: Documents Writing guides participants on drafting abstracts, working papers, and resolutions.
Chapter X: Evaluation outlines how participants will be assessed based on criteria like diplomacy, leadership, and argumentation.

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